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发表于 2021-4-10 16:18:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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onelife后台购买教育套餐,支付BTC写信模板:3 N# C# p4 q4 o/ _& A( u1 q3 s
标题:Pay the remaining 25% of the package fee for the 140 Euro starter gift code.
9 ~* k- K' Q' u6 S5 ?! V5 b, m- H* f1 M4 W* u
内容:1 @1 I) B$ @) }1 c6 ^
Dear financial staff:3 I; ?, B& R9 s8 H! ~' ~( t
I have purchased a gift code for the 140 euro starter.The 105 euro part has been successfully paid in euros in the cash account. I chose the BTC payment method for the remaining 35 euro package fee. Please provide the BTC wallet address.6 v- @, p) Z* h

( e0 v0 U1 g5 z  w  a登录新系统进商店购买激活码成功后,单独登录此账户的后台邮箱,给财务部门写信:0 i1 R4 f1 A" v
公司财务部门邮箱地址:invoice@onelifecorp.eu8 q0 J' H5 \2 B. L

2 W9 w& k: _" y) H- Q备注:
7 G& @0 J$ `& u4 X& c: {7 r) `) N2 D% l购买140欧元入门级礼品代码
6 F3 o. |( J: g$ G& j$ X, n需要在现金账户花费105欧元,剩下25%用BTC支付给公司。
0 u9 Q. q6 L; z# Z2 Q- o) f/ @& j- r- Y) F+ |# e8 K  f
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