

2019-3-23 18:41| 发布者: 聚龙| 查看: 16263| 评论: 0
摘要: 霍总语音转文字翻译:1.Many of you raised the question about the conversionof 2017 OFCs. As we said months ago the conversion was planned to start in March. In the beginning of this month the conversio ...
1.Many of you raised the question about the conversionof 2017 OFCs. As we said months ago the conversion was planned to start in March. In the beginning of this month the conversion of 2017 OFCs has started, and during this month everyone is receiving 20% of the coins they are entitled to. I have received some complaints about the conversion rate. I know that many of you expected a different rate, but there is a reason for this. I believe that all of you will agree that ONE listed on an exchange is the Companys’ MOST important goal at the time being. All that we have worked for so hard, all our efforts rely on this event. Especially now, at this stage of our growth it is crucial not to make any mistakes and to focus on our priorities. We can’t afford to destabilize the price of the coin. We must manage to maintain stable price of ONE. The conversion rate of 2017 OFCs to ONE won’t damage the price of the coin and won’t affect the liquidity. Currently everyone is receiving the exact same amount of ONE that they have initially converted.
OFC兑换:从三月开始,会员的OFC已经开始每个月20%退还到会员的账号。退还的比例是以当初1:100或者1:200的兑换比例退回到账户上。 有些会员提问为何没有额外回报?这是因为公司目前最重要的目标就是公开交易所以我们最关注的首要事项就是保持币值的稳定性。以这样把2017的ofc对比退还,不会损害到币的价值和清算。

2.Exchange - Creating an operational exchange platform is definitely a challenge – many difficulties have arisen throughout the process, namely because of the deliberate black PR campaigns, aiming to ruin the corporate public image in the media. In addition, difficulties also come as a result of the restrictive policies of some banks - exchange and blockchain technology fall under those bank restrictions, thus taking from us the opportunity to settle the payment for the service providers, working on the project. Another challenge thecompany is facing are the specifics of the exchange which are being developed to serve for remittances (aiming to bring the financial revolution with fast and low cost transactions) and as a crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat exchange. A further example for exchange specifics is the liquidity account which will not allow the price of the coin to drop. Furthermore, the initial concept of the
OneLife company to bring education to more people worldwide via the educational packages will be one of the reasons for the creation of the automatic demand. Another challenge is the geographic scope. The exchange will be available in the countries and territories with licenses and in all of them which are not regulated.For the rest of them we will need to actively work with governments worldwide in order to take a permit, based on the existing licenses; to be able to apply for local licenses or to be able to approach the right authority and have the chance to explain our concept to them and ask them for a permit to operate on their territory. The platform has been developed and ready since January.There is still some specific work with CDD processes left. At the moment the teams are finishing the integration of the “World check” feature. At the beginning of next week corporate will grant access to the OneLife system to the developers, so that OneLife and the exchange are connected. After this is done, all functionalities have to be thoroughly audited and approved by the government. Then a life connection with the Central bank will be established, through which the platform will reach its full operational capacity.
2. 公开交易

3. DealShaker - Currently, both the old and the newversions of the platform are operational. Because ofthat, there is no reason to wait for anything, just go for it!We are finalizing the CDD procedure for the New Dealshaker with the aim to provide DealShaker franchise holders with all procedures and policies, relevant to the platform activities. Based on that DealShaker franchise holders will be able to write procedures for merchant monitoring and ease up the approval process. For further reference, check out the presentation I will send over to you. It is very descriptive and will serve as a detailed explanation about why the Ecosystem is resembling a life organism - why it needs to change and why it has developed so much over the
past few years. All of its vital components are explained in the presentation, as well as how and why they are connected to one another. Moreover, it explains the way DealShaker operates and its ambitious goal to leave on positive impact on the global economy.
3. 旧商城和新商城的版本都在运行,所以大家没有任何的理由去等待着,只管去做就对了。目前在进行新商城版本最后的CDD(顾客尽责责任) 程序,为特许经营商提供编写程序,商家户口,监控程序,简化审批流程。我们会有新的课件,让你们了解我们的生态圈,详细的解释为什么过去几年需要改变和新的发展,明确的说明重要的组件链接关系。课件也说明了ealshaker的运作方式和雄心目标,为全球经济带来正面的冲击。












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