《未来的支付》 鲁娅教授在第四次东南欧峰会上的演讲(中文字幕)

《未来的支付》 鲁娅教授在第四次东南欧峰会上的演讲(中文字幕)

2016-6-1 17:04| 发布者: 聚龙| 查看: 3173| 评论: 0
摘要: 一、鲁娅演讲视频及中英文对照 鲁娅教授在东南欧峰会 Thank you very much for the invitation to be a speaker of the Economist Forum today, and speak about the Future of Money. My name is Dr. Ruja Ig ...



Thank you very much for the invitation to be a speaker of the Economist Forum today, and speak about the Future of Money. My name is Dr. Ruja Ignatova. I hold PhD diploma. And I have always been very interested in Financial services, and worked about 6 years with McKinseyz in Eastern Europe, actually when the crisis here was really really bucked. I was spending my time in Russia and it was an interesting time.


I want to speak today about there is a future of money, the future of payments. And, how to say, it’s hard to listen to the speakers before me who are having such gloomy outlook focusing on all the issues that the region faces, and showing us a future we will have to do a lot of catching-up in Eastern Europe, a lot of work ,a lot of tasks and a lot of issues.


So I would like to take a bit different approach, I would like to show people that East Europe can emulate, East Europe can bring growth, that we are not just a follower, and country catching-up. But actually the trend can also show the world that we can do a lot.


Our company which is very young(one and a half years old), actually writes history currently with crypto-currency. OneCoin currently reached a market capitalization of one billion dollars, radiated a goal which makes me extremely proud. And we have a network of 650,000 users over 119 countries and we come from Eastern Europe. We started actually in this country. We have the idea in this country, and we do not only describe the future of money. Actually we take a very active approach of shaping the future of money.


So Southeast Europe is a very good place to live. And I’m born here. I have been in nostalgia for a time. But I felt at home here. However, even we can not take an isolated approach and see ourselves as no global participants, the world is getting smaller and smaller. We are living in the world with globalization. Technology is developing at a speed that makes me feel dizzy sometimes, seeing what happens around us .


And all the innovative companies, like Facebook, Google, Apple, all of them are unfortunately either not even coming from Europe. Or like we are just following and just saving all our money in Eastern Europe, which saw a lot of money going to buy the newest i-Phone outside. So with globalization the world becomes much smaller and much more transparent, and the need of consumer and of company actually changed a lot. We have a lot of more needs for cross-board transactions. Even as a simple customer, I have to do a lot of shopping, a lot of things outside my country. So, of course, it’s from need to need we have to address with the company.


So what’s the future of money? In my opinion, the future of money, or the big part of the future of money would be outside the banking system, as we know today. Traditional businesses either will change or new entrance would come to the markets. One of the most particular entrance that I have been following now for five years is a Bitcoin.


The Bitcoin is a crypto-currency, the first crypto-currency, the biggest crypto-currency and these people who created it before nobody officially knows would have our fullest respect, for the innovation, disruption and value creation that they actually did to the financial market. Of course there were evidence of value creations and a lot of turmoil often happen. But these people created something new and something really exciting. Bitcoin and block change technology, which make financial services independent form governments, independent form regulators even and independent form banks, as we know them, already starts changing the world we are living in.


However, Bitcoin until now, and the more sophisticated currencies have been a payment system, an investment system for the either very sophisticated people out there with a very very solid key background, for the smart ones offer their need to a lot of money that diversifies their portfolio with a new exotic investment like Bitcoin.


The market is still not very big, with market capitalization, fluctuating between two and three billion transactions, happening every day about two hundred million Euros, so we still have a lot of potentials to grow the cryptocurrency market, but we see a start. So we have been or we still be in the emerging market, that’s not sure, what’s political correct to say, but emerging markets are all there, and we can speak about Latin America, we can speak about Asia, we can speak about Africa, it’s a extremely interesting market actually which is like catching up now, and we can speak about also the small Asian countries.


All these countries, we have initiated also at here actually, a lot of people who are underbanked, unbanked or just forgotten by the big players. Why? Because they are poor, because they have needs not that interesting in the transactions, or simply because some of these people don not have proper documents, I have been in countries where people every one of them has smart phone but has no proper ID Card, so how do these people bank? I have been in Singapore and seen Indian people working very very hard to support families in India, how do these people send money to their families, and to their loved ones? Remittent businesses in Dubai, all the Philippines working there and pushing economy, what do these people do? What they do is either to go to a bank to do foreign exchange, (or) they go to the west union outlet, and they pay high high fees, because why?

在这些国家,有很大的市场有待于开发,这里没有银行,或者只有地下银行,为什么?因为他们贫穷,大咖们没有多大的兴趣进行交易,或者更简单得来说,他们中的一些人都没有合适的证件,我曾经去过一些国家,那里的人们人手一部智能手机,但却没有身份证,那么这些人如何去银行办理业务?我曾经去新加坡呆过一段时间,看到印度人非常努力地工作来维持家庭生计,他们怎么将钱寄给家人和亲人?迪拜的交易是张弛有序的,菲律宾人在那里工作,推动着经济,这些人在做什么呢? 他们去银行做外汇,他们去西方联盟出口,他们支付着很高很高的费用,因为什么呢?

We, as a financial sector, charge always most ones, who are the poorest, who are lack of ones with their needs that nobody else can conceive, if you are poor customers, if you don’t have a lot of money, the bank will fight for you, they will give you cards for free, they will do their best to make you happy, but the people of there, the mass customers, the ones who actively change the world, the ones who are working for the economy, these people are underserved, underbanked, and I believe the cryptocurrency can change the life, and not only me actually, I think Bill Gates believed the same and said the cryptocurrency will make the huge difference for emerging markets. So what is really the future of money? I believe that these cryptocurrency is spreaded out there to the mass market, to people who can be made understand the cryptocurrency, and to those say cryptocurrency is on very very complicated, hidden complex, can I do it?


If we manage to make cryptocurrency actually accessible to people out there who are not smart enough not understand the smart phone , who are not smart enough to move and to work in Asian countries, we make it simple, we can actually become then a next mass phenomenon, like Google, like Facebook become natural for active user.


Up till now, cryptocurrency did not make a leap in my opinion, because it is not user-friendly, because it is not easy to use for the mass market, and because people perceive they are difficult, so the personnel, the company who makes it actually to make the cryptocurrency easy to use, accessible in the market that needed, this is not US gentleman, this is emerging market for people who want to work as a tool to use it.


If we make cryptocurrency not only tools for speculators and investors to make quick money, but make it usable. If we work on KYC, on documentation, making it transparent, and bringing the cryptocurrency to the traditional world, with the regulators, by the way, the US actually government, four weeks ago, they said that the cryptocurrency is actually is in a state to equal commodities, so it means that actually the cryptocurrency can be treated like virtual gold, commodities is a gold silver line a transparent planet big coin, so the future of money, can be searched as outside the banking system, because we still more flexible, we do not find the issues that the bank itself, and because we think that the next big thing is based on technology, on the internet and on the natural phenomenon.


And we see all these big companies out there. I think if we manage to provide a consistent strategy, a key to use the currency, and a easy access which is allied with regulators out there, transparent, safe, cryptocurrency can actually be one of preferred methods of payment, not only bank transfers, card transfers, and all the traditional ways between deal money with, my future or my vision actually is one card making cryptocurrency, one currency, like the Europe, like the dollars, and you just can go and spend with your card, which can be a visa and Master card, like Chinese Union, whatever, make it a currency that people just can go and spend out there, I have done my job, whenever all of you can go with your cards and just spend one coin for a dinner, this is the cryptocurrency actually became real for me, and I’m very very curious how the next two to three years will work out for all of us, and I hope I’m right, future is with technology and with us, thank you very much!






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